Fertility & Homeopathy
Most of us live busy lives, doing the best we can to juggle work, friendships, relationships, commuting, going to the gym or to yoga classes, some of us even study or find time for hobbies on top of that. Finding the time to think about what we could do to help our bodies to prepare for pregnancy can be tricky, and it can be difficult to know where to start. But there are things that we can do to help ourselves to prepare our bodies, and I hope these ideas are helpful to you.
Please however remember, in reading this, that you are 100% fully accountable for and responsible for any decisions you make regarding your health, and you must always consult with your doctor about any changes to medication you are being prescribed, or because of any health concerns or issues that you might have.
Have a think about your diet, and how helpful it is to creating a healthy environment for a little one. There are 3 things I would reallllly recommend, no matter what else you do:
a) Go organic - especially if you eat meat & dairy. Non-organic meat contains antibiotics, growth hormones and GMOs. Antibiotics destroy healthy gut bacteria. Around 80% of our immune health is dependent on a healthy gut, and 80% of our serotonin production (which helps us feel happy) happens in the gut - and needs healthy gut bacteria in order to be produced. So every time you eat non-organic meat or dairy, antibiotics may be affecting your gut health, and growth hormones may be affecting the balance of your hormones. Whilst antibiotics may be genuinely necessary for you at some point in your life, getting these from food isn’t going to help your body. If you can go organic with everything else, then great - a pesticide free body is one that a baby would love to grown in!
b) Drink hormone-free water. That means don’t drink tap water without purifying it. Decades of women peeing out the contraceptive pill means that there are high levels of oestrogen in the water supply, and with HRT now progesterone too (and did you know cocaine is in the top 5 ingredients in tap water too?!). Either buy water in glass bottles (not plastic), or use a filter that can remove hormones and pharmaceuticals. Distillation is the best process to use. One filter to look at if using a filter is the AcalaQuell.
Remarkable research is being conducted by Veda Austin, who is pioneering simple research using quick freezing of water to prove that water can be purified using thoughts and intention - building on the work of late Japanese researcher Dr Masuro Emoto.
You can place water in a large container (not plastic) over the words love and peace overnight, and water changes it’s structure from polluted to geometrically healthy. I also add Golden Spiral homeopathic remedy for cleansing too.
c) Eat lots of organic fresh fruit and veg - try an organic green smoothie a day, and help your way to health.
Start taking a really good prenatal supplement. I particularly like the Terra Nova brand - they use foods that compliment the vitamins and minerals, to help your body utilise the nutrients more easily, instead of cheap fillers. And most of the foods are grown on a biodynamic organic farm, started by a former NASA rocket scientist who uses the same freeze-drying process to capture all the nutrients in ways that are done so astronauts can have nutritious meals in space. Terra Nova also produce a wonderful Life Drink, filled with superfoods, probiotics, a prebiotic, health-promoting fungi and digestive enzymes, which is an ideal way to boost the health of your body. (I am not paid commission by them, or anyone else btw, I just genuinely love what they do!)
Support your gut health - it’s absolutely crucial for our health. I mention the Life Drink which contains probiotics, but do look at the balance of your gut health - your baby’s immunity will come from you, so if you have a healthy gut, you will pass this on to your baby. Also, brain development comes from the gut, so if you and your baby have a healthy gut, that can help their brain health. Many people have an out of balance microbiome, and some choose to get their microbiome analysed. Then if anything needs addressing it can be addressed now, so your body is as healthy as it can be. If you have an unhealthy bacterial overgrowth eg SIBO, taking extra probiotics are only a good idea once this has been successfully treated, as well as seeking homeopathic and/or naturopathic treatment with someone who works in this area. Health Path is a UK based company that offers tests ranging from £150 to £389. If you don’t have that budget, and don’t mind waiting for shipping times to and from the US, Viome sometimes have an offer of $129. If you have results that show an imbalance, don’t try to deal with this yourself - do go and see a good natural health practitioner, and if needs be your doctor.
Your liver balances your hormones, so help your liver out! Even if we aren’t massively boozy ourselves, our liver has to process a lot, from air pollution, to artificial chemicals in skincare, to pharmaceutical drugs, to additives in processed foods. A great supplement to take is Milk Thistle. It has been found to literally regenerate the liver! Gingko Biloba can also be a great addition, because it helps to open the capillaries, so any toxins can leave the body more easily, but should be used with caution in pregnancy. You might even want to cleanse your liver before falling pregnant - I really like the Liver Rescue book by Anthony William.
Move to using only 100% natural toiletries, cleaning products and make-up. Synthetic perfumes and ingredients in standard toiletries can affect hormones, and some have been linked with cancers. So help your body and your immunity by making the switch, there are so many brilliant natural alternatives now, and I write more about all of this in my book Nature’s Medicine Code. My absolute favourite 100% natural shampoos and conditioners are made by Green People. My absolute favourite 100% natural skincare brand is Essential Blends Skincare - it’s absolutely wonderful, and reasonably priced too.
Evaluate your life - is there any part of your life that feels out of balance? With work, or friendships, or even in your relationship? What can you do to bring yourself more happiness or joy? Maybe taking up meditation for even 10 minutes a day can help create some space in our lives just for us. There is a great app - Headspace that teaches this for free.
See a great natural health practitioner. I am biased as a homeopathy student, because I see great results using it with my patients, and I explain what it is and how it works here, but you may be drawn to a naturopath, or herbalist or nutritionist, or a TCM practitioner, or an acupuncturist. Find someone you feel you can trust, and who you resonate with, and support your health with the knowledge and experience they can share with you.
Make sure your phone and router are not 5G enabled, and turn them off at night at home. There is lots of scientific evidence to show that too much EMF can be damaging to the development of healthy bodies and healthy brains, and 5G is set to many times the levels of EMF radiation that we know can cause harm. There are things you can do to protect yourself and those you love, but do make sure your phone and router are not 5G enabled, and do turn them off at night. Wavewall and other companies produce phone cases that protect from EMF radiation.
Finally, I know it’s easy to say in our busy lives, but rest. It’s nature’s greatest medicine, and if let our body rest, it can relax more. Spend more time lounging about in your PJs with your partner, watching great films, seeing friends, having a lovely massage or reflexology treatment, having holidays If you can - whatever it is that makes you feel rested.
Everything you do - get your partner to do the same. Having him produce the happiest healthiest sperm will help you conceive. Long gone are the days when we thought of fertility as just about the woman - both of you have a part to play, and that includes at this stage too!