Homeopathy for plants & gardening
I am relatively new to gardening.
My Mum was very green fingered, and grew a paradise in our back garden, filled with a wide selection of fruit trees, several different varieties of her beloved roses, and a large organic vegetable patch at the bottom of our garden. Everyone talked about her remarkable tomatoes, and she would spend every spring carrying the seedling pots on trays in and out of the house on cold days and nights, and around the garden so that they always bathed in the life-giving rays of the sun.
I just didn’t get it. I was the kind of person where friends would give me fake plants instead of real ones as housewarming gifts, such was my notoriety for being unable to help them survive.
And then something changed in 2021. I finally “got the bug”. I felt compelled to start growing organic seeds, and was amazed at how easy I found it, growing strawberries, potatoes, squash, onions, leeks, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, rocket, lettuce, tomatoes and chillis. Plants are truly remarkable. They don’t need a lot of help, but out of those tiny seeds grow amazing foods designed to keep us well and healthy and happy.
I thought I would test some homeopathic remedies on the plants. If homeopathic remedies create and help us grow, what difference could they make to the life of plants I wondered?
So I set up an experiement, testing 8 different remedies:
1) Natrum Muriaticum 2) Silica 3) Calcium Carbonate 4) Rose Quartz Essence 5) Yellow 6) Golden Spiral 7) Emerald 8) Plain old tap water
A 30c pillule was added to a sterilised jar containing the same amount of tap water for each. I planted a tray of sugar snap pea seeds - they grow straight and tall, and so give an indication fairly quickly of how well the seedlings are growing. I planted 5 seedling pots for each remedy, with the same amount of compost. 10ml of the potentised water was given to each seedling pot every day.
My son helped me set it up so that each jar of liquid was numbered, and I didn’t know which remedy had been added to which jar so that I couldn’t influence the results.
The results were brilliant - and this is something you can try yourselves at home.
Here is a video explaining what I found - not just in terms of which remedies support strong stem growth, but also, which ones encouraged healthy root growth. Heathy root growth is crucial to being able to grow nutrient rich foods that have absorbed minerals from the soil through those roots.
Plants love homeopathy, and thrive on it just as much as we humans do. Happy gardening! Love Danica x